

Most people don't do anything to prepare for disasters. How do I know?

  1. Go to a store the day before a storm: Milk, bread, and bacon? Gone. Snow shovels and salt? Sold out.

  2. Go to a store the day after a storm: Generators and pumps? Nope, all gone.

We also conducted a survey on this topic to see how prepared people are for disasters and emergencies.

In our survey, we found that 62.5% of the 80 respondents have no disaster supply kit. Most people have food, a flashlight, and some basic tools. Fewer have 3 days of water, an ability to charge their phone, supplies to stop a leak, or a heat source.

See the full survey data HERE

With this data, and data from other studies, we created a disaster kit and included some educational resources below. Our goal is to help you and your family prepare for emergencies and disasters BEFORE they happen.

Resources and Education


What kind of disaster prep site would this be without a mention of COVID-19?

COVID-19 is the most severe and widespread pandemic that any of us have lived through. In healthcare, we started with no idea of what to expect and we have now gained a better grasp on how to manage this disease. Even with that experience, however, it is still a potentially dangerous virus which can lead to death or long-term disability (such as ongoing lung issues, blood clots, and heart issues). It is real. We have seen it. We all want to get back to "normal" and have schools and businesses fully open, but we must also understand the seriousness of a COVID-19 infection.

Fortunately, we now have a way to prevent severe COVID-19 infections: Vaccination.

Please consider getting the vaccine. The following provides some information about COVID-19 vaccines: